
Showing posts from September, 2019

चकला बेलन

बड़ी पुरानी बात है एक बार 2 दोस्त राम और श्याम किसी काम से शहर से अपने गाँव की ओर जा रहे थे। गर्मी बड़ी ज़ोरो की थी ,चलते चलते दोनों थक गए थे ,प्यास भी बड़ी ज़ोरो की लग रही थी। तभी उनकी नज़र सामने एक कुँए पर पड़ती है। वहाँ कुछ महिलाएं पानी भर रही होती है।   राम,  "श्याम " से कहता है - अरे वो देख कुआँ ,वहां पर कुछ औरतें पानी भी भर रही है चलो वही चलते है ,पानी पी कर फिर गाँव की तरफ बढ़ेंगे। श्याम कहता है - ठीक है दोस्त चलो चलते है। फिर हमें शाम तक गाँव भी पहुँचना है। तभी राम कुछ सोचते है एकदम से कहता है - अरे यार एक बात सोच रहा था ,कुछ चल रहा है मन में। श्याम तपाक से बोलता है - अरे बोल बोल ,क्या बोलना  चाहता है ? राम कहता है - "अरे मैंने एक बात गौर की देख ,उन महिलाओँ  में से कुछ महिलाएं सजी संवरी हुई है। कपडे भी नए लग रहे है। वही कुछ औरते थोड़े पुराने जैसे कपड़ो में है ,बाल भी ठीक से नहीं बने है। लग तो सब सहेलियाँ  रही है ,पर कितना अंतर है सबके पहनावे और रहने के तरीके में। मेरा तो मानना है सबको साफ़ सुथरे ठीक से रहना चाहिए। कम से कम पहनावे पे ध्यान रखना चाहिए। स्वच्छता

Not Necessarily A Superwoman

This is the story of Vaishali who is a well-educated and intelligent girl with a clear heart, whose dreams are longer than her height. But as she grows up she feels a burden in her mind. she realizes that a ghost has been riding on her for a few days and she wants to be perfect in every job, whether it is cleaning, cooking, decorating the house, Be it reading, writing or getting the highest paid job. Now she too needs a superwoman tag from this double standard society. Now her focus is less on achieving her goal but more in making people happy, she tries to make herself number 1 among all the domestic household chores and modern work. She wants that her count should also be in the superwomen like several multitasking women around her. In the midst of all this, she is unable to give full time to her goals & studies, which was to become a successful manager & an ideal student .she was facing the worst dream. she fails in this mission, unable to do well in her job. She le

Cancer, Cancer Go Away! Fruits And Veggies Come On My Way!

What you eat can definitely influence numerous parts of your wellbeing, including your danger of creating constant infections like coronary illness, diabetes, and malignant growth. The advancement of malignant growth, specifically, has been demonstrated to be vigorously impacted by your eating regimen. "By eating the appropriate measure of natural product, vegetables, and fiber, up to some percent of all malignant growths, cancer or we can say tumor could be avoided" There are two different ways that leafy foods are thought to help secure against malignant growth: Foods grown from the ground are wealthy in fiber, nutrients, minerals, cell reinforcements, and phytochemicals, which help to secure your body against malignant growth. It is no doubt the blend of these supplements found in entire sustenances helps to diminish the danger of specific tumors as opposed to one enemy of malignancy part. BALANCE BODYWEIGHT : Overabundance fat around the stomach and corpulence

Yes I am A Make-Up Artist

This is the story of a girl named Vishakha. She is the single child of her parents. She comes with an upper-middle-class family. Her parents love her a lot. They support her in every step & decision of life. This story happens back in the era of '90s at that time, especially in small towns, when a girl was born in a family, everyone looked at the family with pity as they did something wrong or she is not a girl but a problem. In spite of huge pressure from contemporaries & relatives, Vishakha's parents were not bothered about societies will for a male child. They were happy to have Vishakha as their daughter. They considered her as a blessing of God. If we will talk about Vishakha she was also a great daughter of her parents. She loves them a lot. she takes care of her parents very well. She got admission in a good school, but she didn't find studies are for her, we can say she was the average student, but she was good at fashion, cosmetics & ma